Saturday, May 3, 2008

How to install RealPlayer in Ubuntu 8.04

I love RealPlayer for lots of reasons. Mainly for excellent streaming support & to pause/resume live media. RealPlayer is free but you will not find it in your Synaptic Package Manager. To install RealPlayer do the following:

  1. Visit real player site:
  2. Click "Download RealPlayer" button and save file into your home directory
  3. Now open terminal and run following commands (I downloaded RealPlayer 11 and it's file name is RealPlayer11GOLD.bin, replace this name with your downloaded file name):
    $ sudo chmod +x RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
    $ ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin

  4. Installation will start and will ask you to press [Enter]
  5. Then it will ask you for installation directory path, press [Enter] if you don't sure about it
  6. To finish type F and press [Enter]
That's it. After installation you will find it from 'Applications > Sound & Video' menu.


Rustic said...

can u tell me how to go about ?? i have downloaded the file on my desktop but once i give the command it says invalid directory.
plz help i can't do any thing I am new in linux so i have no idea atall...

Unknown said...

copy that from desktop to ur home folder.....n proceed