Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ubuntu Tweak

Today I have found a great software for tweaking my Ubuntu. It is Ubuntu Tweak. You can change your desktop, startup, personal, system and security settings with this tool. Oh, it makes my life easier. Let me tell you about few tweaking that I love very much:

  • Startup:
    • Show splash screen
    • Enable or Disable AutoStart Program
  • Desktop:
    • Show "Computer", "Home", "Trash", "Network" icon on desktop
    • Change few "Compiz Fusion" setting
  • Personal:
    • Set your document folders
    • Manage your document templates
    • Mange your scripts
    • Set the shortcut of your command
  • System:
    • Change GNOME panel & Menu
    • Advanced power management settings
  • Security:
    • Enable/Disable "Run Application", "Lock Screen", "Printing", "User Switch"
There are several other options that you will also like.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

How to install RealPlayer in Ubuntu 8.04

I love RealPlayer for lots of reasons. Mainly for excellent streaming support & to pause/resume live media. RealPlayer is free but you will not find it in your Synaptic Package Manager. To install RealPlayer do the following:

  1. Visit real player site: http://www.real.com/linux
  2. Click "Download RealPlayer" button and save file into your home directory
  3. Now open terminal and run following commands (I downloaded RealPlayer 11 and it's file name is RealPlayer11GOLD.bin, replace this name with your downloaded file name):
    $ sudo chmod +x RealPlayer11GOLD.bin
    $ ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin

  4. Installation will start and will ask you to press [Enter]
  5. Then it will ask you for installation directory path, press [Enter] if you don't sure about it
  6. To finish type F and press [Enter]
That's it. After installation you will find it from 'Applications > Sound & Video' menu.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to connect Internet with Nokia Data Cable

Connecting Internet with Nokia Data Cable is fairly easy compared with Bluetooth connection. It works instantly with my Nokia 5700 mobile phone & GrameenPhone GPRS/Edge connection, Bangladesh. I hope it will work for other model of Nokia. I found this help in ubuntuforums.org. Thank you guys for making our life easier.

Here you go:

  1. Open terminal and edit /etc/wvdial.conf file with following command:
    $ gksudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf
  2. Replace existing text with following:
    [Dialer Defaults]
    Init1 = ATZ
    Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
    Modem Type = USB Modem
    Baud = 460800
    New PPPD = yes
    Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
    ISDN = 0
    Phone = *99#
    Password = A
    Username = B
    Stupid Mode = 1

  3. Replace "A" & "B" from the above code your internet connection Password & Username. If there is no password necessary then leave the above code unchanged.
  4. Save & close the editor.

Now plug in your data cable into your phone & run the following command from terminal each time you want to connect internet:
  • $ wvdial

Done! But if you fail to connect internet then do one of the following:
  • Unplug mobile cable, wait few seconds, plug again and run wvdial command
  • Or open /etc/wvdial.conf and replace Phone = *99# with Phone = *99***1#
Hope this will help you to connect internet with your Nokia mobile phone. Enjoy browsing!